
Make Monday first day on gnome calendar applet

Thanks to Stefanie for this quick customization of the pop-up calendar in gnome. Switching Monday to be the first day in the week is nice!


Next, edit the applicable locale file (for me, en_US, use the result of the previous command if not en_US):

Edit this file:


Locate the following line and change the value to 2 (for Monday):

first_weekday 2

sudo locale-gen

killall gnome-panel


Using Find

Throughout my use of linux I keep meaning to spend time to learn find, as it always seems to have useful, powerful applications. I never do seem to get around to it... Finally learned this useful little example though, using xargs and a command:

ACT ON FIND RESULTS - The cool thing is that if the results contain filenames with weird characters (like a space) xargs will separate items based on a null terminator instead of any white space.
find . -name pattern -print0 | xargs --null ls -alh
find . -iname pattern -print0 | xargs --null ls -alh


Display/Set Networking

route -n
route add default gw address interface
ifconfig interface address up
ip route list

netstat -punta
netstat --program --udp --numeric --tcp --all