
Starting over

I'm redoing this blog. My goal is to post random notes about Ubuntu linux that are useful to... well... really only myself. My hope is to record all of the random tidbits of information I should save for my own computing life, especially in regards to using Ubuntu, such as...
  • favorite screen hardstatus line
  • quick howtos for samba, vncserver, named
  • useful command line tools
  • needed third-party software, where and how to get them (flash, AdobePDF)
  • why zsh is better than bash
  • bluetooth stuff
  • nagios stuff
  • etc.
A lot of these will undoubtedly apply to any linux flavor, however, since I primarily only use Ubuntu I am titling this blog "Kinji's Ubuntu Notes." A lot of these posts will be specific to Ubuntu. Since this is live and on the web and will probably be crawled by Google spiders, I also hope one or two posts may be helpful to other users out there, other people still just discovering Ubuntu and the wonders of linux, as I am.